How Do I…

  • Feel free to move the chairs and tables in the Library around as you see fit. Food and drink are allowed in the Library in all areas! Please clean up after yourself and be respectful of others.

    The Library is not a quiet place. We encourage students, faculty and staff to use the Library as a place for community, meeting, learning and sharing information. You may find that the noise level is higher than you would like if you are studying. There are two quiet study rooms in the Library. One is a general purpose room, and may occasionally be occupied by a group. The other is designated for quiet study only, and is furnished with study carrels for your use. Refer to the Library map to see the layout of these different spaces within the library. You can also learn more about how to use the library by viewing this video tutorial.

    Please note that this video was filmed prior to the college closing for COVID and describes what the Library’s environment is like when we are open. There is also mention of finding a link to the Library’s resources on Blackboard, but the college is now using Canvas.  You will get an invitation (through Canvas) to join the Library’s Canvas page that you must accept in order to view materials there.  You can find all resources on the Library’s website, and remote help is available by emailing