How Do I…
Feel free to move the chairs and tables in the Library around as you see fit. Food and drink are allowed in the Library in all areas! Please clean up after yourself and be respectful of others.
The Library is not a quiet place. We encourage students, faculty and staff to use the Library as a place for community, meeting, learning and sharing information. You may find that the noise level is higher than you would like if you are studying. There are two quiet study rooms in the Library. One is a general purpose room, and may occasionally be occupied by a group. The other is designated for quiet study only, and is furnished with study carrels for your use. Refer to the Library map to see the layout of these different spaces within the library. You can also learn more about how to use the library by viewing this video tutorial.
Please note that this video was filmed prior to the college closing for COVID and describes what the Library’s environment is like when we are open. There is also mention of finding a link to the Library’s resources on Blackboard, but the college is now using Canvas. You will get an invitation (through Canvas) to join the Library’s Canvas page that you must accept in order to view materials there. You can find all resources on the Library’s website, and remote help is available by emailing
To check out materials, you must have a valid CCSNH Student ID and a Library account. Library books are checked out for 3 weeks, and videos for 3 days. The NOOKs are checked out for 2 weeks. Journals and reference books do not circulate and will be available at all times for use in the Library. Items on reserve for a specific course may be checked out for use within the Library. Pool balls, Wii and PS3 games and controllers may be checked out for use in Student Life.
Visit the Borrowing section of this site to learn more about the Library’s lending policies.
At Great Bay Community College, students are expected to produce original work and use proper methods of citation when completing assignments in all academic areas. Plagiarism means claiming work that is not yours for your own, or failing to properly cite your research or your own previous work.
Instructors will ask you to use other people’s research, but to form your own opinions, conclusions, or thesis. This can be confusing! Just keep in mind that there is no shame in admitting you pulled a quote or an idea from somebody else. Think of it as the foundation of your paper. Your job is to pull information from different sources, and put it all together.
For more details on APA, MLA and Chicago styles, refer to the GBCC Library Citation Guide.
Journal, magazine and newspaper articles are available through our various online databases. Most often, you will be searching for journal articles when using one of these resources. Scholarly or peer-reviewed articles are from journals written by or for professionals, experts, and researchers in the field. They will usually contain specific vocabulary and data or research. You may limit your search only to scholarly/peer-reviewed articles through some of our databases.
Visit the Articles section of this site to learn more about the available electronic journal resources.
An Ebook is a book in electronic format. Using our Ebooks greatly expands the amount of resources available to you. They are accessible from home, and allow you to easily copy and paste quotes, cite the source, and search through the text for keywords. Ebrary also allows you to download e-books to your eReader or smartphone.
Visit the Ebooks section of this site for a full listing of Ebook services.
There are many online and electronic resources for a variety of topics and interests such as: current or controversial issues; films and videos; an on-line 3D microscope lab for biology and anatomy study; geography and culture; and business. Each of these resources has specific usage guidelines, and you will need to have a library account and college email to access a majority of them.
Visit the Other Online Library Resources section of this site to access the library’s other electronic resources.
When you are off campus, you will need to log in to resources using your EasyLogin, or email username and email password. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully!
This access guide provides further details for off campus access to the library’s online resources.
Ask yourself …
Who is the author? What are his/her credentials? What information is available from this resource? Where did the author get the information? Are there citations? When was the website published? Look for a “created on” or “last updated on” date. Why does this website exist? Is the purpose to entertain, persuade, or inform? Is it biased? How comprehensive is the resource? Does it go into the depth you need?
Use this website evaluation guide for more strategies.
The Dimond Library at UNH hosts a large collection of books and other materials. You must bring your GBCC student ID to sign up for a Library account. You can use this account to renew your borrowed materials.
Your UNH Library account expires at the end of each semester – to reactivate it, simply visit the Dimond Library.
Because parking at UNH can be difficult, we allow students to return their UNH books directly to the Great Bay Community College Library. Simply notify us, and we will return the books and take note of the date, so you do not incur a late fee.
If you are unable to obtain a certain book or article through our Library, it may be possible to obtain it for you from another library.
IMPORTANT NOTE — These requests can take up to two (2) weeks to fulfill. Please plan accordingly!
When you request materials, you will need to fill out an Inter Library Loan Request Form. Each piece of information requested on the form is important and will ensure you get the materials that you need.
If you locate an article in EBSCO or Proquest that is not available in full text, you may request it directly through the database. EBSCO provides an option to “Request an Inter Library Loan,” while Proquest offers to “Find a copy.” Fill out the electronic form provided to request the article. It may still take up to two weeks to receive the article.
The Library offers NOOK eReaders and laptops for check out, and iPads for use in the Library. Students must sign a contract before checking out one of these devices.
The NOOKs come preloaded with a collection of Ebooks and are available for two weeks at a time (see the Nook Tips and Rules for full details). Laptops can also be checked out for two weeks. iPads can be checked out for use in the Library only. The iPads come with many apps, including research tools, drawing apps, and magazines. See our iPad Guide for available apps, instructions for saving your work, and frequently asked questions. Any requests or recommendations for NOOK titles or iPad apps can be submitted via email to
General Library Help Guides
Type | Name | Info |
Embedding Library Links | 84.19 KB PDF | |
Evaluating Websites | 86.45 KB PDF | |
Find Library Materials and Resources | 84.65 KB PDF | |
How Do Databases Work? | 203.42 KB PDF | |
Inter Library Loan Request Form | 46.27 KB PDF | |
Library Games | 53.18 KB PDF | |
Library Map | 80.43 KB PDF | |
Periodicals in Print | 72.25 KB PDF | |
Research Quick Guide | 173.71 KB PDF | |
Solutions for Off Campus Library Access | 257.28 KB PDF | |
Student Library Handbook | 4.06 MB PDF | |
Tips for Searching with Google | 112.17 KB PDF | |
Useful Keyboard Shortcuts | 169.57 KB PDF | |
What is Library of Congress? | 72.66 KB PDF |